Ebb & Flow Yoga & Pilates

Pregnancy Yoga (4 wk course)
October 7, 2022 October 28, 2022

Total # of Classes

Class length
60 minutes

Baile Mhuire Day Care Centre, Balloonagh, Tralee

Yoga for Pregnancy comprises of a series of exercises that will help you’re your body cope with the huge changes going on and prepare for the birth of your baby or babies. Yoga means “Union” or oneness of the body and mind. It consists of carrying out various asana’s (postures) combined with focus on breathing techniques. Movement through the asana’s should be done slowly and in harmony with your breath, focusing on what your body is feeling and working within your limitations. Not only do you reap the benefits of a physical exercise, it brings a greater self-awareness to you. It allows you time to nurture yourself in a safe, warm & encouraging environment with like-minded people. In turn allowing you to relax and enjoy your new-found bodily changes and to connect with your unborn baby. 

Suitable for: Mums to be over 16 weeks pregnant and open to those who are completely new to Yoga as well as those who are experienced.

 Benefits of Yoga for Pregnancy:

  • It aims to help you learn to relax. I can’t really teach you how to give birth. The exquisite way your body is designed, means you already know how to give birth, all you need to do is relax and let nature take its course.

  • Relaxation & breathing techniques can help you cope with the stresses of motherhood, but more importantly, the intensity of labour.

  • Flexibility is helpful if you are going to let your body open during birth. Prenatal Yoga postures can help loosen tight muscles and joints, allowing you the freedom to adopt what ever positions you like in labour.

  • Keeping up with a regular exercise program in pregnancy is important. Carrying a child is like doing a mini marathon over those nine months. You need to keep up your strength for what’s coming and to help prepare your body for birth & beyond. You can attend pregnancy yoga from 16 weeks onwards.

  • Many pregnant women feel their posture suffers from the additional weight of their baby and their new boobs. Prenatal Yoga can help stretch out and strengthen your body, decreasing discomfort

  • You can expect a beautiful a sense of wellbeing from practising in a supportive environment with others on the same beautiful journey

This class is practiced in a quiet, private space for your comfort.

Prebooking is essential.

Prices: 4 week course €60. Classes: Starts 7th October on Fridays  6.15pm - 7.15pm 

Your insurance provider may contribute towards your pre/ postnatal yoga expenses. Check your policy for more details. Receipts can be issued for classes.

What do I need to bring with me?
Please bring your yoga mat . You will also need an inflated, anti-burst birthing / fitness ball suited to  your height (up to 5’8” a ball of 65cm, over that height choose a 75cm ball) a blanket and water. Wear warm and comfortable clothing that you can move freely in.

The class takes place on...

  • October 7 at 6:15 pm (Friday)
  • October 14 at 6:15 pm (Friday)
  • October 21 at 6:15 pm (Friday)
  • October 28 at 6:15 pm (Friday)


This class series has already finished. Please check our schedule for more classes.
