Ebb & Flow Yoga & Pilates

Merry Restmas
with Maeve

December 17 (Friday)
at 6:30 pm

Class length
90 minutes

Baile Mhuire Day Care Centre, Balloonagh, Tralee

This class is all about finding some peace, a little bit of down-time just for you in the lead up to the holidays. Given the stress and uncertainty of this last while and the busy-ness of the current season, grant yourself the time to step out of the day to day and surrender to being still, to pause and take notice of how you feel, how you’re doing in all of this. In a culture focused around doing more, having more, and getting more, it is crucial to learn and practice simple techniques to help reduce stress and anxiety. 

"We work very hard in our lives, and while we may sleep, we rarely take time to relax. Restorative yoga poses help us learn to rest deeply and completely." Judith Lasater. 

Dedicate this time during your evening to check in with yourself, connect to you and take notice of how you feel right now in this moment in time; learning how to just be. This class will leave you feeling rejuvenated, de-stressed and mentally clear. 

The second half of this class Maeve will read you bedtime Christmas stories and poems to lull you into a deeper state of relaxation. To draw to a close, together we sit in circle with a cup of herbal tea and some sweet treats listening to Christmas songs by candle light around the Christmas tree. I hope you can join me :)

The perfect way to unwind after the week & to welcome in the weekend feeling calm, refreshed & grounded.

Setting up your Yoga space:
Please note, we will use props such as a Yoga mat, 2 firm pillows (or bolster), cushions, 2 chunky books or blocks, strap or belt and 2 blankets, so please bring these to your class. You're also welcome to bring an essential oil of your choice if you wish to (optional).


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