Ebb & Flow Yoga & Pilates

Yoga Talks & Body Works 2 (Studio)
with Maeve

November 16 (Tuesday)
at 6:30 pm

Class length
60 minutes

Baile Mhuire Day Care Centre, Balloonagh, Tralee

Over Summer I ran a series of workshops called Body Works. They were hugely popular so I'm delighted to offer this style along with a few extras. Yoga is much more than just stretching and physical shapes we make with our bodies. The physical practice is just one of the many aspects of Yogic tradition. I'm looking forward to explaining some of Yogic philosophy to you and how these ancient teachings can help us in our modern lives.

So our Tuesday classes are taking on a workshop style for a wee while. Where we will delve into the anatomy and movement of various parts of our bodies AND learn about Yoga Philsophy and it's origins. Each class begins with a talk about Yoga philsophy and how we can incorporate ancient teachings into modern day life. Then we take those ideas on to the mat and work physically on strength, flexibility and movement. It's a workshop full of movement and flow and with a focus on going deeper. I'll be breaking down familar poses, offering adaptations that will work for you and showing you how to strengthen your muscles whilst maintaining functional flexibility. As well as lots of physical movement, I'll share some simple techniques to help you unwind, destress and stay focused on being present to slow down a racing mind.

Students say: Fun, expertise, explains it like no one else does, professional, flexibility, community

>Week 1: 2nd Nov: From Worrier to Warrior. A meander through ancient Yogic Warrior Legends and practice that focuses on our Feet, Legs & Hips focused for balance & stability. Also includes a longer meditation and pranayama (breathing) practice.

>Week 2: 9th Nov: A discussion on the first of the Yoga Sutras - the Yamas and a principle known as Ahimsa. Our Asana practice is Back to basics - Focusing on lower back health & spinal posture, includes a guided meditation.

>Week 3: 16th Nov: Do you know your chakras from your bandhas? Why does it matter? I'll explain all! In our asana practice is all about Core & More - Core strength & stability & centreing your energy (Qi Gong & Yoga Fusion Workshop).

>Week 4: 23rd Nov: Sthira and sukha. We will explore how we can try to find steadiness and ease in our bodies and minds both on and off the mat under the guidance of the ancient teachings of Patanjali and the Yoga Sutras. Unshoulder the Burden - Zone in on shoulders, arms & neck to relieve tightness, aches & pains. Mini Yoga Nidra included to close the Workshop.  

I get proper nerdy to explain how your body works and how to make Yoga work for your body, sharing modifications & offering individual assistance. If you're at home practicing, I encourage you to have your camera turned on and placed in good lighting so I can see you clearly. It helps me, help you. I hope you enjoying delving deeper into your practice. Pay as you go or try them all the choice is yours! Your current class pass will get you full access too so it's all included :)

Suitable for: Best if you have a little Yoga experience, and if you've been attending the Tuesday Hatha / Vinyasa 2 previously it will be the perfect fit for you too!


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