Ebb & Flow Yoga & Pilates

Wild & Simple Nature Retreat
with Maeve

August 27 (Saturday)
at 2:00 pm

Class length
960 minutes

The Great Outdoors

Wild & Simple Nature Retreat

For full details of this adventure visit here

One space left in camping accommodation only  (BYO tent). 

Calling all you wild and free, adventurous women to join me in late August on the green, rolling hills of  Carrauntoohil Eco-Farm under the gaze of Ireland’s highest mountain for a Wild & Simple Retreat.  Our adventure takes place in August, late Summer and the season of the harvest. A time for gathering, giving thanks and preparing for the Autumn and Winter months that lie ahead. The intensity of Summer is fading, it’s a natural time to pause and slow down to rest too. It feels like the perfect time for simple life, back to nature style mini-retreat.

This landscape of undulating valleys and lakes is home to Carrauntoohil Eco-Farm of rewilded 10 acres. It is steeped in history with an old stone fort, stone stacks and the ruins of shepherd’s hut, which I highly recommend as a tranquil place to meditate. You’ll be awe-struck by the stunning vistas, encircled by mountains such as Carrauntoohil, The Big Gun, Cruach Mhór and more. 

Gather together for carefully designed seasonal workshops and you’ll have lots of down-time to roam the fairy and nature trails and rest. By night we’ll share food and stories by the campfire. 

We’ll spend time connecting not just to this land but also to our own wild and free inner landscape with movement, meditation and guided reflection to help us prepare and nourish ourselves for the darker months we have yet to welcome.

This is a back to nature experience, it’s rustic, it’s easy-going. It's not full of stuff, it's about getting back in touch with the simple things in life, what really matters. Get rooted back into the earth and be as close to it as possible without the trappings and distractions of daily modern life. We will be outdoors pretty much every moment of our days - cool huh?! At the core is simplicity, a return to nature to connect to the land, yourself and your community. There are no have to dos here – only invitations.

There are only 12 spaces and booking is now open until the 14th August

Please invest with intention as there are no refunds, cancellations, transfers or credits once booked.


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