Ebb & Flow Yoga & Pilates

Beach Yoga Brunch @ Banna Beach (Outdoors)
with Maeve

March 20 (Sunday)
at 10:00 am

Class length
45 minutes

Life Guard Hut Banna Beach

Beach Yoga Brunch Club
I am delighted to invite you to Beach Yoga with Ebb & Flow at Banna Beach. Bring your own yoga mat / blanket or towel, your mates, EVERYONE welcome! Salute the sun together with a simple flow yoga sequence, as we gaze over the horizon and watch the sun rising higher in the sky. Please dress warmly with layers as it is Ireland after all! Beginners welcome! 

Your class includes 45 mins of Yoga and a homemade vegan breakfast bar, a piece of fruit and a cup of herbal tea. 

Space MUST be reserved in advance - please purchase your Drop-in Pass, then go to the schedule and click on the class you wish to join - scroll down, click reserve your space. Once completed you will receive an email of confirmation.  All 6 / 12 class passes, Seasonal Soul passes and monthly unlimited passes also accepted - please just reserve your space as usual.

SWIM: Optional swim after class! Bring your swimming gear & towel if you'd like a dip! I'm more of from June onwards kinda swimmer but please feel free to join in the many groups of legends who swim in Banna daily!

WEATHER: Please note if the weather takes a turn for the worst unexpectedly I do sometimes call a raincheck by lunchtime for evening classes or by 9am for lunchtime / daytime classes so keep an eye on your emails and social media for updates by 9am or 1pm.

REFRESHMENTS: Salty Souls Coffee Caravan open every weekend and from Summer, open daily from 9am to late afternoon / evening, if you'd like a coffee and a treat after class please bring along a few euros with you :) It's delicious!!!!

Meet where the Life Guard Hut is normally set up on Summer near Kingdom Waves Surf School on left side of carpark when facing the beach. Booking essential.

See you on the sand!

Maeve x


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