SAVE THE DATE: Wednesday 19th Jan 7.30pm - 8.45pm
Time to Gut Better Masterclass (free of charge to attend)
Take control of your stress & digestive concerns.
I recently did a poll on my Instagram & Facebook pages and group and over 90% of women said they were struggling with stress, overwhelm and anxiety. They were also keen to learn more about the link between stress and gut health.
If you are ready to take control of overwhelm and stress and find calm and headspace, then join me for this interactive workshop showing you how to minimize digestive stress and learn how to practice a healthy mindset.
In this masterclass I will get very personal and share my story, how I tackled IBS symptoms and simple steps to take right now to reduce the feelings of stress and overwhelm that effect your digestive health.
That moment you are stopped in your tracks...tight chest, worrying and unable to think straight…what's happened, and how did I get here? Are you familiar with that gnawing feeling in your gut that wont go away making you feel uneasy? Bloated tummy troubles? Our Gut and Mind are intimately linked to work in balance to digest and produce our brain chemicals for our thoughts, emotions and digestion. In this workshop we will go through what happens when your gut-mind connection becomes imbalanced and what you can do to rebalance.
It is a free workshop but places are flying, book early to avoid disappointment and please share with your friends too!
I look forward to meeting you,
Maeve x